
About Inspire WiFi

Inspire WiFi is an innovative company that provides wireless broadband internet connections to condominiums, resorts and apartment communities across the country. They’ve been a market leader in the MDU/multi-family wireless industry for over 10 years, but the company needed a more cohesive marketing strategy to take them to the next level.

The Challenge

Impersonal Mass Emails and Lack of Response

Steven Scheck, CEO of Inspire WiFi, leads the company as an experienced business owner with a background in sales. Before working with Rutkin Marketing, Steven says they didn’t have much a marketing plan in place, and that most of the company’s outreach efforts surrounded the trade shows they would be attending. “We’d send an email or two to invite them to visit our booth, and then try to send follow-up emails after,” says Steven. “We wouldn’t have considered how many emails to send, what the time frame was between those emails, and what value they are adding for our prospective customers.”

These impersonal mass emails weren’t generating the leads the team needed, and it was hard to gauge interest if the recipient never responded. Steven recognized that without a strategy, the team was investing a lot of time and effort on these emails for little return. The company needed something to drive the sales teams’ efforts, and Rutkin Marketing became that engine.

The Solution

Automating the Buyer’s Journey

Immediately, Rutkin Marketing conducted a deep-dive strategic assessment of the business to identify their key targets: market, message and medium. The goal was to target a specific audience in order to create more intentional messaging, which would result in a higher number of leads for the Inspire WiFi sales team. First, everything was branded with a new look and feel, then the next step was setting the infrastructure for a successful marketing strategy.

Rutkin Marketing implemented a tool called Autopilot to help automate the process. Using Autopilot allowed the team to create a buyer’s journey for Inspire WiFi’s prospective clients; various targeted emails were created for different stages of the journey, and customers were automatically moved to the next stage based on their response to the previous message. Not only did this take a lot of the hassle out of sending out emails, Inspire WiFi then had access to the CRM and analytics tools they needed to get the highest ROI and convert more leads.

The Results

Two Most Profitable Quarters in Company History

Steven admits that before enlisting help, they were treating marketing like a sales function without any structure. Since working with Rutkin Marketing, his outreach efforts have become more streamlined through automation while still retaining a personal feel that adds value for potential customers. As a direct result of their new marketing strategy, Steven says Inspire WiFi experienced their most profitable quarter in the last quarter of 2018, only to then top that in the first quarter of 2019.


“It helped us focus on the people who were truly interested. Instead of us wasting time on people, sending emails over and over to people who aren’t interested in becoming customers, it allowed us figure out who the people are we should be focusing on. Maria helped us understand marketing as a whole instead of giving us tasks to do, and then taught us the reasons behind why we’re doing what we’re doing so that we could understand how to do this for ourselves.”

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