We love to buy things, but we loathe to be sold to. Enter in the era of content marketing and buyer personas for inbound marketing. Although creating attraction marketing for your prospective buyers takes a bit more patience to close the sale, you will create a raving fan who will refer you time and time again, […]
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Regardless of what industry you are in, creating buyer personas is important to every business because customers aren’t buying the same way they used to. Sales and marketing get a bad rap because many still have not shifted to this new targeted approach. Today, buyers favor personalization and relevancy. The old school way of generalized in your face […]
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Brand building techniques are an integral aspect of business development. It not only increases the voice and awareness of a brand, but it also gives it an identity and worth. So, how do you create a brand that leaps off the screen? In an era where more businesses “live” online, your brand is more important […]
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One of the questions I hear most often from clients is, “Which social media marketing sites should I be using to grow my small business?” The misconception that you should be on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest leads many business owners to join and be active on each social media network, only to find themselves wasting […]
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Technology Company Sees 40% Revenue Growth and 235% Lead Growth from Content Marketing Strategy and Website Redesign in the First 12 months. When the company was concerned about building a strong brand and generating leads to increase sales, this smart CEO turned to strategic marketing. Datamyx™ (acquired by Deluxe Corporation) is recognized as a leading provider of […]
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When done well, Digital Marketing Tools are the most effective way to reach your prospects to promote your small business. But the first step to building ANY digital marketing strategy is taking a step back and understanding the “why” behind your efforts. Too often, I see clients make the mistake of building a strategy around […]
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Competition is fierce, especially in this noisy digital environment. Long gone are the days of the one-size-fits-all, shotgun approach where marketers blasted out content to catch buyer interest. When I talk to small business owners and their sales and marketing leaders, I often hear how they’re experiencing these kinds of pains related to content marketing […]
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Goal Setting Tips to get you closer to your inbound marketing destination. It’s time to revisit your smart marketing goals. Here we reflect back on this year’s goals to ensure we are employing the right behaviors and techniques to hit the number. When goals are ignored, you risk missing the mark. Would you set off on a […]
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Digital Marketing is a moving target, and it’s hard for a digital marketing campaign to keep up. Every month, it feels like there’s a new social network, ad platform, or change to the Google algorithm you need to know. The reality is digital marketing is constantly changing. With these changes, comes the pressure to “keep up”. […]
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Growing up in a very traditional Roman Catholic home, the path for my mother was much different than mine. Both of my parents were born in Mammola in the Province of Reggio Calabria in Italy. My mother was raised in a time where women went to school, got married, and had children. A path that […]
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When was the last time you updated your LinkedIn profile? Have you neatly packaged your message in a compelling way? Do you drive the visitor to take action? If you don’t know, it’s time to dust off the headline and get cracking on improving your LinkedIn profile. Why? Just take a look at the statistics. LinkedIn is the world’s […]
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