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Everything You Need To Know About LinkedIn Advanced Search

Everything You Need To Know About LinkedIn Advanced Search

LinkedIn is the world’s foremost professional network, having recently surpassed 900 million users worldwide, an impressive milestone in the social media platform’s history.

It is a comprehensive resource for job seekers, entrepreneurs, and business professionals who want to grow their professional network and B2B companies looking for business opportunities. With such an abundance of users and information at your fingertips, finding precisely what you are looking for can be challenging. That’s where the Advanced Search feature comes in handy, offering a solution to this problem.

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What is LinkedIn’s Advanced Search?

LinkedIn offers a basic search option that is accessible to all its members, but it does not even begin to scratch the surface of LinkedIn’s extensive search capabilities. While basic search is a useful tool for general searches, Advanced Search will provide more accurate and refined results because it has more advanced filters.

With its advanced filters, Advanced Search goes above and beyond to provide you with the results you’re looking for. Whether you’re searching for job opportunities, connections, or information, Advanced Search has the tools you need to find what you’re looking for with greater precision and ease.

But, as with most things, there’s a catch: Advanced Search is only available to those who have signed up for a premium search plan, such as LinkedIn Recruiter or LinkedIn Sales Navigator. This is because these search capabilities are incredibly valuable for job recruitment and lead generation, and as a result, access to them does come with a cost. But as the old saying goes, you get what you pay for.

Why use LinkedIn Advanced Search?

Before diving into how to use it, it’s important to understand the benefits of using LinkedIn Advanced Search. Here are just a few reasons why you should consider using this feature:

Boost your business by finding new leads that match your target market.

Sales professionals know all too well that searching for sales leads can be time-consuming, but with better tools and insights, you can build a pipeline bustling with leads. LinkedIn’s premium sales tool, Sales Navigator, offers advanced search capabilities and powerful algorithms to help you connect with your ideal audience and optimize your sales process. The results speak for themselves, as sales leaders who use Sales Navigator have reported significant improvements in their performance. On average, they have seen a 42% increase in deal size, a 17% increase in sales wins, and a 15% increase in the size of their sales pipelines.

Research companies you’re interested in doing business with.

LinkedIn Advanced Search is an incredibly valuable tool for B2B businesses looking to generate leads and discover potential business partners. With LinkedIn’s Advanced Search, businesses can easily search for companies that align with their target market based on specific criteria such as industry, size, location, and more. This way, B2B companies can directly engage the desired audience without having to guess or assume who fits their target market best. LinkedIn Advanced Search is thus an integral part of the research process when it comes to finding compatible partners and clients for B2B relationships.

Expand your professional network by connecting with industry thought leaders.

LinkedIn Advanced Search provides a valuable opportunity for professionals to expand their network and connect with industry thought leaders. This tool offers more advanced filters than the basic search function, allowing users to search for specific individuals based on their job titles, location, industry, and more. By using LinkedIn Advanced Search, individuals can easily find and connect with thought leaders in their field, opening the door to new opportunities for learning, collaboration, and networking. LinkedIn Advanced Search makes it easier to connect with the right people and grow your network, whether you’re looking to build relationships with fellow professionals, seek advice from experts in your industry, or expand your professional circle.

These are just a few reasons you might want to use LinkedIn’s Advanced Search. LinkedIn Advanced Search is a valuable tool that can help you find exactly what you’re looking for: leads for your business, information about a company, job opportunities, or industry insights. In short, it’s a fantastic feature that can help you find exactly what you’re looking for.

How to use LinkedIn Advanced Search

Below are some valuable tips on how to get the most out of LinkedIn Advanced Search:

Apply advanced filters.

With its intuitive interface and powerful filtering tools, you can easily hone in on the exact information, connections, and opportunities you’re looking for. Just type in your search terms into the top search bar, and voila! The advanced filters will be revealed, giving you the ability to pinpoint people, jobs, content, companies, schools, and groups. For more search options, click the “Refine Search” button on any LinkedIn search results page. It could not be simpler.

Use Boolean Search techniques.

Boolean Search is another of LinkedIn’s impressive features for lead generation. This feature allows you to combine keywords with operators such as AND, NOT, and OR to create a highly targeted search query.
Don’t be intimidated by the concept of Boolean Search. It’s simple to use. Here’s a breakdown of how you can use it to construct effective searches:

  • Quoted Searches: To find an exact phrase, simply enclose it in quotation marks. For example, search for “product manager” to find a pool of talent in that specific role.
  • NOT Searches: Use this technique to exclude certain phrases from your results. Just type “NOT” before the search term. For instance, searching for “programmer NOT manager” will give you results that specifically exclude managers.
  • OR Queries: OR Queries are useful for expanding your search results. By using the word “OR” in your search, you can retrieve results that match one or more terms in your list. For instance, searching for “sales OR marketing OR advertising” will bring up results that contain any of these keywords.
  • AND Queries: AND Queries are a way to narrow down your search results. By using the word “AND” in your search, you’ll only get results that match all of the terms in your list. For example, if you search for “accountant AND finance”, you’ll get results that include both keywords.
  • Parenthetical Searches: You can create more specific searches by combining terms within parentheses. For instance, to search for individuals who mention “VP” in their profiles but exclude those listed as “assistant to VP,” try searching for “VP NOT (assistant)”.

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A Final Bit of Advice About LinkedIn Advanced Search

With a little patience and persistence, you’ll be amazed at how quickly these tips can enhance the accuracy of your searches. Simply perform a basic search on LinkedIn, then use the Advanced Search feature to refine the results with the above methods for a more dependable set of profiles.

Ready to start utilizing LinkedIn?

You have a team of experts behind you who can ensure you’re set up for success on LinkedIn. The Rutkin Marketing team is ready to help you navigate LinkedIn and bring in qualified leads. Schedule a free 30-minute consultation today.

Unlock the power of LinkedIn and turn your connections into customers! Download the LinkedIn Prospecting Selling Guide now and discover the strategies that top-performing sales professionals use to generate leads, build relationships, and close deals. Get your copy today.

