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Sustainable SEO: Writing for the Future

Sustainable SEO: Writing for the Future

SEO is not a race, it’s a marathon. Knowing how to keep up with the ever-changing digital landscape is a test of endurance. Google algorithms are smarter than ever, and long gone are the days where you could trick the ranking system by dumping a set number of keywords in a random article.

With artificial intelligence, Google has become proficient in reading at a seemingly human level, and if you want to outrank the competition, you need to know this:

Nowadays, there’s no shortage of information on the internet, and quality, easy-to-read content is king.

Want to know more? Keep reading. In this blog post, we’ll tackle the three main principles to Sustainable SEO, and how to implement it for your business.

Step 1: Make it yours

SEO is an organic way for potential customers to find your business. To cut through the noise in today’s world you need an authentic voice. That is the power of entity-based SEO in modern digital marketing. The internet is full of reused content and echoing voices, and amongst all the clutter, there is quality content. Who determines the quality? Your users. What are your users looking for? Answers.

The first step in creating quality content is knowing who you are (your business) and who you are talking to (your audience). The second step is knowing how to deliver the right answers to your audience. Now here’s a fun fact: the answers are no secret. Your competition probably has the same answers to many of your audience’s questions. But the one who wins is the one who delivers it in the more efficient and unique way.

If you want to do SEO the right way, you must use your best authentic voice, and respect your user’s reading time by going a step further, giving them the information they need while adding value – instead of copying whatever your competition is saying.

Step 2: Make it easy

Half of the job in creating content is having consistency. In order to stay relevant, you have to keep on giving. Writing two to three articles only to stop there, will yield no results. So how do you keep delivering content? Well, you make it easy.

Even the most seasoned copywriters struggle with today’s posting schedules. Producing original, quality content day after day is a taxing task. Knowing how to blog to improve SEO is a key strategy to your success. Luckily there is a growing number of AI writing assistants that are programmed to make writing easier. The best part? Most of these AI writing assistants are built with SEO in mind.

Does that mean writers are going to be replaced by machines? Most certainly not. Writing AI’s can only do so much. They just happen to be an amazing tool for creating content in a more efficient way.

Step 3: Make it easy to read

Whether we hop on to Twitter to read the latest news, or just reading a caption on LinkedIn or Instagram, constantly swiping through feeds, it does feel like we are reading more than ever. However, it seems like the new norm in reading is skimming through content. This habit is built upon a sense of urgency and a feeling that there is not enough time to waste on “reading.”

So, what do we do if we know our audience is skimming through content? We organize the information in a way that is easy-to-read. Here are some ways you can do it:

  • Using bullet points (yes, like this one!)
  • Presenting your main ideas through bold (That is a pun.)
  • Establishing your style alternating between bold and
  • Using different font sizes and setting blank spaces as pit stops.

If your audience is having difficulties reading, make it easier for them.

The bottom line: Sustainability requires commitment

Sustainable SEO is committing to a long-term content strategy. By constantly reevaluating your approach, and regularly updating your keyword research, you can keep up to date with your audience’s needs — and that is the ultimate way not only to sustainable SEO, but to a sustainable business.


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