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How to Use Social Media to Grow Your Business

Social media can be used as a catalyst for growing your business, but there is a strategy involved. Businesses that aren’t on social media at all or post randomly aren’t using social media to its full potential. When done correctly, social media can increase brand awareness, brand recognition, leads, and sales. Let’s get into how to use social media to grow your business.

Optimize Your Profiles

The first step is to optimize your social media profiles to include who you are, what you do, and how you solve your customer’s problems. Clearly explain these points so when someone visits your account, they know immediately whether or not you can help them. That will ensure you only get people in your target market interacting with your content.


Find Your Target Audience

You don’t have to be active on every social media platform. Did you sigh in relief? You only need to be on platforms that your target audience is active on. We recommend performing market research to find out what platforms those are. Look at your customer’s social profiles and see which channels they interact with the most. For example, Rutkin Marketing is active on LinkedIn because our target audience is small to medium-sized B2B businesses. From our market research, we found that decision-makers in these businesses spend a lot of time on LinkedIn. That’s where we focus our efforts and most of our social outreach efforts.

B2B | LinkedIn Mastery Guide| Rutkin Marketing

Start Conversations

We like to say that Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter are all social platforms. The point is to interact with your audience. Tag and mention profiles in your posts to increase interactions. End your posts with a question to spur conversation. You want people to comment with opinions, insights, or more questions. When they do, you can learn more about their desires and needs. You can read more tips for managing your social media business pages in this blog.


Post the Right Content

What topics do your target audience want to see or read more about? What problems are they facing? The goal should be for them to realize that they need your services. Social media is a great way to nurture your audience and help them recognize pain points that you can solve. A few examples of posts are:

  • Testimonials to show social proof
  • Questions to get engagement from your audience
  • Problem scenarios they can relate to
  • An explanation of your process
  • An explanation of your services
  • Valuable tips and tricks
  • Groundbreaking information

Social Media Content Calendar | Content Calendar Template | Rutkin Marketing

Stay On-Brand

Ensure your photos and tone of voice are on-brand. Use the correct language, colors, and fonts in posts and graphics. By doing this, you will increase brand recognition. For example, when someone sees your logo or color and font pairing, they’ll know the post is from your brand. You want to make brand recognition a goal because your audience will start to develop the know, like, and trust factor.

Brand recognition is the know factor. They know you and start to recognize your brand, then they start to like you and what you post. Finally, they start to trust you. Trust with your audience is everything; it will get you more loyal customers. Make sure you stay on-brand when posting on social media.

Utilizing social media has been hugely successful for businesses of all sizes. Before starting on social media, identify your target audience and where they spend time online, optimize your profiles, and set a goal.

What do you want to get out of being present on social media? It could be to increase brand awareness, brand recognition, leads, sales, and more. Then, post the right content and stay on-brand. These tips will help you meet your goals and utilize social media to the best it can be.


How to Get Started? 

Rutkin Marketing is a HubSpot solutions partner and specializes in helping businesses of all sizes finetune their messaging, hone in on their marketing strategy, and grow their sales initiatives. The professional team at Rutkin Marketing can help you identify a strong selling strategy along with an execution plan and KPIs to measure your success in the platform you choose to use.

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