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3 Strategies for Marketing Financial Services

3 Strategies for Marketing Financial Services

Marketing financial services comes with its share of challenges, from stringent regulations and compliance requirements to a crowded market overflowing with information. Marketers must engage with a more intelligent and sophisticated audience that demands personalized and seamless experiences. These audiences, rightly so, are cautious of financial products that don’t demonstrate value, and it’s our responsibility to respect and understand their concerns.

Adding to the complexity, the financial services industry, like many others, is constantly evolving due to digital transformation. FSPs now face competition not only from long-established giants but also from nimble newcomers determined to leave their mark. 

In this new landscape, the role of marketing becomes even more crucial. It’s not just about keeping up but about leading the way with agility, innovation, and a readiness to adapt, empowering you to stay ahead of the curve.

The competitive landscape in financial services is intense. FSPs are vying not only against traditional competitors but also against fintech disruptors and emerging technologies that continually reshape the market. 

While it may be tempting for established FSPs to stick with tried and tested methods, succeeding in today’s increasingly competitive marketplace requires adaptation. This means rethinking traditional marketing strategies and adopting more agile, tech-driven approaches. Rather than viewing these challenges as just obstacles that need to be overcome, they should be seen as opportunities for those who seize them. FSPs that approach these challenges with a strategic mindset are well-positioned to lead in the market and build lasting relationships with their customers, ultimately securing their long-term success and relevance. It’s about seizing these opportunities and inspiring proactive change within your organization.

To thrive, FSPs should focus on three key areas:

  1. Using data-driven insights for informed decision-making and precise targeting.
  2. Creating unique and engaging content and messaging to capture a savvy audience.
  3. Investing in industry expertise to improve marketing efforts when needed.

When these approaches are executed well, and believe me, I’ve seen them, the benefits are significant. They can boost ROI, lower acquisition costs, and improve overall market positioning. Moreover, these strategies can help ensure the business stays resilient amid ongoing changes. By viewing challenges as opportunities, FSPs can secure their place in the financial services industry, setting themselves up for long-term success and relevance.

Boosting Outreach with LinkedIn Sales Navigator 

One recurring issue I see time and time again, especially with many of my clients in financial services, is how to improve their digital marketing strategies to reach and engage potential clients effectively. In my experience, LinkedIn remains the most effective platform for targeted customer outreach, particularly for B2B lead generation. With over one billion business professionals and 67 million companies, LinkedIn offers unmatched opportunities. This vast and diverse user base allows FSPs to connect with highly relevant audiences, generate valuable leads, and expand their professional networks in ways other platforms simply can’t match.

One feature that really shines on LinkedIn is LinkedIn Sales Navigator. This sophisticated sales tool is designed to improve lead generation and nurturing processes. It comes with advanced search filters, lead recommendations, and real-time insights, making it a critical tool for marketers in today’s day and age, providing a wealth of data to make informed decisions and target the right audience effectively.

The platform’s advanced search capabilities let FSPs target potential leads based on everything from their job title to industry, location, and company size. This level of precision means your outreach is both targeted and effective, connecting you with the most relevant prospects who are likely interested in your services.

In addition to its impressive search filters, LinkedIn Sales Navigator offers real-time insights that help FSPs stay informed about their leads’ activities and engagement levels. This feature helps you interact more effectively and timely, increasing the chances of successful conversions. Using these insights, you can tailor your messages to address potential clients’ needs and interests, making your outreach efforts more personalized and impactful.

Reaching the right people is just the first step. The next crucial piece is personalization. Personalized messages that address individual prospects by name and reference their specific professional needs or challenges can significantly increase engagement. This personalized communication lets you build stronger connections with potential clients and demonstrates an understanding of their unique circumstances. 

Ultimately, it’s about reaching the right people at the right time with the right message, and LinkedIn Sales Navigator helps you do just that.

In the financial services industry, where trust and credibility are crucial, demonstrating this level of personalization is essential for building strong, reliable relationships.

But it’s not just Sales Navigator that can help build trust and connect with potential leads. LinkedIn offers other networking features that allow FSPs to expand their reach and develop valuable professional relationships. By getting involved in relevant groups, sharing insightful content, and engaging in industry discussions, FSPs can boost their visibility and establish themselves as thought leaders in the financial services sector. This approach not only attracts potential clients but also strengthens the FSP’s reputation and influence within the industry – a classic win-win scenario!

Unlocking Google’s Potential

Of course, LinkedIn is not the only powerful tool in a marketer’s arsenal. Google, as the largest search engine in the world, is also a powerful tool—it will often be the first place potential clients go to research and find financial services providers, making it crucial for visibility and SEO strategies.

I recently watched Jay Berkowitz’s webinar, “How to Rank Your Law Firm in All 6 Parts of Google.” The webinar outlines strategies equally applicable to marketing financial services.

  • Google Local Service Ads are crucial for achieving top visibility in local search results. These ads, which appear prominently at the top of Google search results, often lead to direct phone calls from potential clients. This feature is particularly beneficial for FSPs looking to capture local leads and establish a strong presence in their specific geographic area.
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Search Ads are another essential tool for driving traffic and acquiring new clients. By placing ads on Google’s search results pages, FSPs can target specific keywords related to their services so that their ads are seen by users actively searching for financial solutions.
  • Google AI Search presents another significant opportunity to increase visibility. Google’s AI-driven search results aggregate information from various sources, providing users with comprehensive answers to their queries. FSPs can benefit from this by creating high-quality content that aligns with AI algorithms, increasing the likelihood of appearing in these search results.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) remains a foundational strategy for generating organic website traffic. Regular content updates are crucial, including publishing weekly blog posts or monthly market updates. Adopting a conversational tone and focusing on relevant, timely topics—such as “how to invest in a volatile market” or “understanding the impact of interest rates on your savings”—can engage users more effectively and attract organic traffic beyond mere keyword optimization.
  • YouTube has been a popular channel for many years but has become an increasingly important platform. Since Google owns YouTube, optimizing videos for search can help them appear in search results. Video marketing also allows you to break complex information into bite-sized, easy-to-understand segments, making it particularly useful for explaining financial products and services to a broader audience.

Together, these platforms offer a comprehensive solution to these challenges. By leveraging LinkedIn’s networking and personalization strengths and Google’s broad search capabilities, you can effectively reach your target audience, improve market positioning, and achieve long-term success in growing your business.

Transforming Outreach Strategies into Business Success with Rutkin Marketing

You will always face challenges in marketing. 

Marketing is a continuous process with a beginning and a middle but no end. There will be times of struggle, but it’s these moments that call for a reevaluation of your strategies.

The key is to constantly seek opportunities to improve, adapt, and perfect your approach. Remember, plenty of support is available, and with the right strategies, you cannot only create exciting opportunities but also pave the way for long-term success.

At Rutkin Marketing, we bring extensive experience across various industries, including financial services, to help clients overcome their marketing challenges. Our collective expertise allows us to develop strategies that address immediate needs and lay the groundwork for sustained growth and success for years to come.

Case Study Overview

One notable case involved a successful Outsourced CFO, Controller, and Consulting Firm. Despite their strong market presence and reputation, they faced financial pressures to broaden their sales outreach across the U.S. Their target audience consisted of high-level executives and decision-makers in sectors such as Venture Capital, Technology/IT, and Private Equity. These included CEOs, Presidents, Owners, CFOs, COOs, VPs of Finance, and the Board of Directors.

The firm sought to increase qualified leads and generate new business opportunities.


A key challenge was their minimal presence on LinkedIn, a platform where many of their target prospects are active. They needed a strategy that would help them expand their outreach, engage with high-level executives, and ultimately drive more qualified leads into their sales pipeline. The challenge was not only to connect with the right people but also to ensure that their messaging resonated with this high-value audience.


To address these challenges, Rutkin Marketing implemented a targeted lead generation program using LinkedIn Sales Navigator. This approach involved:

  • Precision Targeting: Using LinkedIn Sales Navigator’s advanced search filters to identify and target the specific demographics and job titles that match the firm’s ideal client profile.
  • Optimized Messaging: Sending personalized messages carefully tailored to each prospect’s role and industry. This ensured that the content resonated with their unique needs and challenges.
  • Strategic Outreach: Executing a comprehensive outreach strategy that included sending connection requests, InMails, and follow-up messages to maximize engagement and build meaningful connections.


The implementation of this targeted strategy yielded impressive results:

  • 35% Acceptance Rate
  • 11,232 Messages Sent
  • 32,202 Connections Sent
  • 22,596 InMails
  • 574 Leads Generated (143 Monthly Average)

This case study demonstrates how the strategic use of LinkedIn’s tools, combined with tailored messaging and targeted outreach, can significantly improve financial service providers’ lead generation and business development efforts.

The Rutkin Marketing team is standing by and ready to help you. Schedule a free 30-minute assessment to get started.