fbpx Rutkin Marketing How ChatGPT for B2B is Changing the Marketing Landscape


ChatGPT: How it’s Changing the B2B Marketing Landscape

ChatGPT: How it's Changing the B2B Marketing Landscape

Everyone is obsessed with AI writing tools right now. The ChatGPT launch in November 2022 shocked many, but several business owners have integrated the tool into their processes.

As a growing business, we like to keep up with the latest tools and share those experiences with our clients. We’ve been testing ChatGPT and how we can utilize it within Rutkin Marketing. There are some good use cases for the tool that have helped us speed up processes. However, there are also limitations to the tool more businesses need to be aware of. In this article, we’ll review our findings after testing ChatGPT for a few months.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an AI writing tool that delivers content based on questions or requests. The interface is similar to a chatbot, which makes it feel conversational.

There isn’t a limit on how many requests or questions you can ask. We would recommend creating new chats, though, based on what you’re asking for. You can do that in the upper left corner where it says “New Chat.” This will keep everything organized so you can refer back to the suggestions it gave you.

Limitations of ChatGPT

Since it is a new tool, there will naturally be limitations. Let’s discuss a few we have found while testing ChatGPT for B2B businesses.

Its knowledge is limited.

As of today, ChatGPT only has access to information from BEFORE 2021, meaning some of the information it gives you could be outdated or irrelevant. It’s important to fact-check anything ChatGPT says to you. We expect the tool to eventually catch up to the present time.

You need to be specific.

Your requests and questions need to be specific. We created an example below of a vague request. As you can see, ChatGPT had to guess what you were talking about and came up with random ideas. When using ChatGPT for B2B companies, be as specific as possible. An alternative to the example below could be “5 blog post ideas about CEOs of 7-figure businesses retaining employees.”

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It learns from itself.

ChatGPT is constantly digesting new information on the internet. However, since millions of people are using it (and some don’t make sure it’s correct), it could be learning from itself. As mentioned above, some of the content it produces could be incorrect, meaning the content it learns from the internet is incorrect. You must double-check the accuracy of the information ChatGPT gives you.

It doesn’t have the necessary human touch.

Even if you use ChatGPT for B2B companies, you should maintain your brand voice. ChatGPT doesn’t have the capabilities to write emotionally, as humans do. If you choose to have AI write content for you, go back and edit it in the right tone of voice for your brand.

Business Use Cases for ChatGPT

Content idea generation.

We’ve been loving using ChatGPT for idea generation. As you can see from the screenshot below, it gives you specific and detailed ideas. You can use it for social media posts, freebies, blogs, podcasts, ebooks, emails, and much more. Even if you don’t use what it suggests, it may spark other ideas for you.

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Proofreading and editing.

ChatGPT is a great way to proof and edit your writing. You can run a blog post through ChatGPT and ask it to correct grammar and spelling mistakes. Instead of doing it manually or paying someone to do it, ChatGPT does it in a few seconds.


Many people are using ChatGPT in a similar way to Google. They type a question, and ChatGPT explains the answer. You could also use it to research your audience. It can give you a better understanding of their social media interactions, past purchases, preferences, and behaviors.

Again, fact-check before publishing!

Future Predictions

We expect this tool to be around to stay. Many business owners have adopted it and use it daily to improve efficiency.

However, this means there could be a flood of content coming. With ChatGPT making it easy to produce content, more businesses will be taking the easy route and pumping out content. To combat this, business owners should focus content on experiences. Google announced it will be looking for personalized content with the hope of weeding out content purely written by AI.

Here are some content examples:

  • My process for auditing a website (vs. how to audit a website)
  • How I use Trello for my business (vs. tips to use Trello)
  • Why I chose HubSpot over Salesforce (vs. the differences between HubSpot and Salesforce)

See the difference? You’re talking about YOUR experience; ChatGPT can’t copy that.

We don’t think ChatGPT for B2B businesses will replace freelancers. In fact, it shouldn’t. It doesn’t have the emotional and human touch as copywriters do. Strategy is also important for content to perform well on search engines. Sure, you can post a blog written by ChatGPT, but if it isn’t optimized for SEO or targeted for a specific audience, it won’t have any ROI.

There still needs to be a conversation around the ethics and use of ChatGPT. It isn’t a perfect tool, nor will it ever be. While it can speed up your processes and make you more efficient in your business, always be wary of what it gives you. Don’t blindly trust it and publish the content it produces. That’s the fastest way to lose the trust and respect of your audience.

Create a Personalized Marketing Plan With Rutkin Marketing

If your business is curious about content creation and how to use ChatGPT ethically, contact the Rutkin Marketing team. We believe in the power of content creation and SEO for businesses. We can create a content strategy that will resonate with your audience and result in more leads. Schedule your free 30 minute assessment today.