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5 Ways You Can Improve Your Google Ads Conversion Rate

Google Ads are an excellent choice for businesses looking to expand their online reach because they provide a cost-effective way for businesses to reach a virtually unlimited, targeted audience.

They are also very flexible, allowing you to start, stop, pause, or change your bids anytime. Google Ads brings in twice as many visitors to your website as SEO.

You may be getting a decent amount of traffic from your ads, but not enough people are actually converting. The good news is you can take several steps to make improvements. There are various Google Ads conversion tracking tools you can use to measure how many people are buying or signing up for your offers after they have landed on your website. There are several you can do to improve your conversion rate, which we’ll discuss in this article.

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1) Monitor Your Success with Conversion Tracking

With digital advertising, knowledge is power, and conversion tracking gives you the insights necessary to improve your campaigns and achieve better results.

Every marketing campaign, including those on Google Ads, begins with a set of goals or desired outcomes. These goals could be as simple as getting users to click on your ad, but they often extend to more meaningful actions, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or filling out a contact form.

While Google Ads readily provides data on impressions and clicks, conversions are what truly matter. Conversions represent the tangible results of your advertising efforts, indicating that your audience has taken the desired actions, essentially turning into customers or leads.

Conversion tracking bridges the gap between clicks and conversions. It allows you to monitor and measure how many users who interacted with your ads ultimately performed the actions you intended. This could be purchasing an offer, downloading an e-book, or any other valuable engagement. This knowledge is instrumental in understanding the return on investment (ROI) of your advertising spend.

Beyond measuring the success of your campaigns, conversion tracking offers insights into the effectiveness of specific changes and optimizations. For instance, if you decide to modify your ad copy, adjust bidding strategies, or target a different audience, conversion tracking allows you to evaluate the impact of these adjustments. If you notice an increase in your conversion rate after implementing changes, it’s a strong indicator that your modifications positively impact your campaign.

Conversion tracking is like having a magnifying glass on your Google Ads campaigns. It empowers you to see beyond the surface metrics and uncover what really matters – the actions that drive your business forward. With this knowledge, you can make data-driven decisions, refine your ad strategies, allocate your budget more effectively, and ultimately achieve a higher return on your advertising investment.

Google Ads Marketing Playbook | Rutkin Marketing

2) Use Specific Keywords

Once you start tracking your conversions, you can shift your focus to improving your conversion rate by using keywords. If you are not familiar with keywords, they are the words or phrases you use to match your ads with the terms people are searching for. Selecting high-quality, relevant keywords for your advertising campaign can help you reach the customers you want when you want. The more specific, the better, with these keywords often outperforming more general ones.

For example, let’s take the general keyword “marketing agency.” While it may generate a significant amount of traffic, many visitors might be in the early research stage and not yet ready to make a purchase, resulting in a lower conversion rate. On the other hand, a specific keyword like “high-quality marketing services for a retail brand” indicates a user actively looking to make a purchase. This specific keyword is more likely to lead to a higher conversion rate as it targets users closer to the point of sale.

So, when shaping your keyword strategy, prioritize specific keywords that closely match user intent, as they typically lead to improved conversion rates and a greater likelihood of achieving your advertising objectives. However, it’s important to strike a balance. Overly specific keywords may limit your reach, resulting in fewer impressions, as they may not match the search behavior of a broader audience.

Remember, the keywords you use need to be specific enough to appeal to potential customers with high purchase intent while retaining enough general appeal to maintain a balance between impressions and conversions.

3) Use Negative Keywords to Refine Your Traffic

Another way to improve your conversion rate is to use negative keywords. They allow you to fine-tune the visibility of your ads by preventing them from appearing in searches containing specific terms. This approach is particularly useful when your goal is to ensure that your ads are seen by the right audience—those who are genuinely interested in making a purchase—while avoiding being displayed to people who are just browsing and aren’t ready to purchase anything yet.

For example, some advertisers use “free” as a negative keyword. Unless your site actually offers free products or trials, you may want to include this as a negative keyword. By doing so, you filter out users who intend to find free items and products. Typically, individuals searching for free products are less likely to convert into paying customers.

The success of negative keywords lies in their ability to save your ad budget for the audience most likely to convert. They help you target users with higher purchase intent, ensuring your advertising efforts are more cost-effective and focused on those ready to take meaningful action.

4) Use the Search Terms Report for Precise Customer Targeting

With Google Ads, you can see how well your individual keywords are performing with the search terms report. This report allows you to peer into the exact words prospective customers typed into their search bars when your ad appeared.

The search term report provides you with a wealth of information. It unveils the precise language and phrases your potential customers use to discover your ads. This report gives you a deeper understanding of user behavior, giving insight into their intentions and interests. With this information, you can make informed decisions about your keyword strategy. Here are two key actions you can take:

  1. Keyword Expansion: Identify valuable search terms that aren’t already part of your keyword list. By adding these terms, you expand your reach to a more extensive pool of potential customers. It’s a proactive way to capture the attention of individuals who are likely interested in your products or services, even if your existing keywords don’t explicitly cover them.
  2. Keyword Refinement: The search terms report may also highlight irrelevant or less valuable terms that trigger your ads. In such cases, you can exclude these terms from your keyword list. This refinement ensures your ads are displayed to a more precise and relevant audience, reducing unnecessary ad spending on clicks that are unlikely to convert.

In short, the report helps you fine-tune your Google Ads strategy, ensuring your ads reach the right customers. With this information, you can optimize your ad campaigns, improve your return on investment, and connect with those genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

5. Consider Updating Your Landing Page

Driving traffic to your website is just one aspect of your Google Ads strategy. It’s also important to provide visitors with a seamless and satisfying experience on your site. There are some simple steps you can take to improve the landing page experience for your audience:

  • Provide Relevant Content: When people search for ‘flannel shirts’ and click your ‘flannel shirts’ ad, they expect ‘flannel shirts’. Imagine their frustration if it shows something else! Give users what they’re looking for to keep them engaged.
  • Maintain Consistency: Match the message on your landing page with what your ad promised. Consistency between the ad and the landing page is key. If you lack control over your site, you can still experiment to identify the most relevant existing pages.
  • Mobile-Friendly Design: Consider making your website mobile-friendly. Users highly value easy navigation on mobile sites. You can assess your landing page’s mobile performance using the mobile-friendly test to ensure it caters to mobile device users.
  • Optimize Loading Speed: The loading speed of your page can be the deciding factor between a visitor bouncing or making a purchase. Speed is crucial, so strive to improve your page’s loading times.

By following these steps above, you can improve your Google Ads campaigns, drive more meaningful conversions, and ultimately achieve a higher ROI. Success in digital marketing is all about understanding and meeting the needs of your audience, and these strategies can help you do just that.

Rutkin Marketing, a South Florida marketing agency, is dedicated to bridging the marketing gap by developing high-performance marketing strategies for your success. Schedule your free 30-minute consultation with Rutkin Marketing and take the first step toward SEO success.